What did you learn about the cameras and editing software during the preliminary task?
Our group learnt about the video editing software "Final Cut Pro" also known as "FCP". As a group we learnt how to use the software in a suitable and appropriate manner. This enhanced our groups prelim task to be exceptionally well edited to high standards. In addition during the prelim task our group also managed how to match cuts good.
In the filming and editing of your project , what worked well and what could have been improved?
During the filming and editing of our project the transitions could of been improved. Our continuity editing worked well. Also we used the 180 degree rule while making our prelim task look professional. We think that the shot reverse shot ran smoothly as the conversation went on time with the camera positioning, We also think that the close up of the hand was edited particularly well, We did have our downsides though, our group did not conduct them selves appropriately whilst filming the conversation as a result of this doesn't sound as professional as the other part of our production.
Give a detailed, specific example of how you used shot/reverse shot combination in your film
we used shot/reverse shot while creating our prelim task. The way we did this was by filming the conversation between Theo and Martin. One all the way through over Martin's right shoulder and then all the way through again but over Theo's left shoulder. While doing this we did not break the 180 degree rule. After we filmed the conversation we edited it on final cut pro to create the shot/reverse shot.
Give a detailed, specific example of how you achieved match cuts during the editing process
We achieved match cuts by repeatedly shooting the same footage from precise positioning on various locations. Our editing took place on final cut pro our match cuts create a linear narrative continuity and we learnt how to do match cuts by watching previous groups and speaking to higher level students for information which would benefit our work. We watched through all of our filming and carefully selected ones which would match well with others to achieve match cuts to perfection.
How do you make sure that you didn't break the 180 degree rule ? Or if you broke it what have you learn't from this ?
We managed to avoid breaking the 180 degree rule by simply following the over the shoulder rule (left on right/right on left shoulder) during the conversation between Martin and Theo. Also we managed to reduce the risk of breaking the rule by panning certain shots carefully.